Saturday, March 24, 2007

Requiem for a Thursdays Child

I have titled my first posting - Requiem for a Thursdays Child". I am a classic thursdays child...I definitely have far to go. I like to pretend that I have it all together, but most of the time,I know that I am totally "losing it". Now that we are getting closer to Easter, and we remember the ultimate sacrifice that our Lord and Saviour Jesus made for us, I got to thing about some great and deep thoughs. Here are a few of them.......

As any great connoisseur of classical music will attest, a Requiem is a funeral mass - often with crashing sonatas, titillatingly sweet notes combined I thing to remind you of the life that the requiem has been written to celebrate.

I often wonder what (being the deep philosophical thinker that I am!! ;) what kind of requiem someone would write for me. Would it be full of the loud crashing crescendos like the ups and downs of life, or would it be more of the sweet beautiful music that would liken itself to the happiness and content that some people seem to exude.

I recently lost a very good friend that reflects the kind of person I would like to emulate. Not only was she a deeply spiritual woman, but she had a polish and aura about her that drew people like a butterfly to the flame. She was just the kind of woman that everyone wanted to be around because you felt uplifted just to be with her - at least that is how she made me feel. If I could pray for God to give me one gift it would be to be half the woman she was. I was more that just a lost young woman looking for love and acceptance when I visited her - I was important and I mattered. She also loved my children. Oh the popcicles and cheese slices that she went through when the kids came to visit. Even to this day, Levon (my son) asks to go and visit " Grandma Ruby"; oh how it breaks my heart to tell him that she has gone to live with Jesus in heaven. But what a legacy to leave - even for a woman whose life was tragically cut short by a battle with cancer. There are some people who live for tomorrow, but Ruby Mullen lived every moment that she had like there would be no tomorrow.

I asked myself why I would write a seems so "last season", that everyone has a blog. But the more I thought about it, It is a chance for me to share personal thoughts, ideas and then allow the world a chance to think about them and give me their feedback. These days, I don't get much chance to thing about the deep and meaningful questions that I like to ponder in the back of my mind, since I am so busy changing diapers, chasing preschoolers and making lunches and getting ready for the bus. My vocabulary has shrunk to that of a 3 year old and I often don't feel ready for polite company. So this is my forum.

I may mention my family, as most good mothers do...they are my life, so I have to give them a plug once in a while. I might mention my church, since I seem to spend quite a bit of time there. And, I will probably talk about my friends, since it is their love, prayers, and support that keeps me sane when the world seems to be in chaos.

So, welcome to my blog. I look forward to your comments. Feel free to express your opinions but remember - in Christy World - I am always right!! ;) God bless your day!!


Living On The Edge said...

Hi Christy,
What a wonderful surprise to see that you started your own Blog; as for ‘last season,’ well, be that as it may, Blogs are fun and interesting.

Maybe your Requiem might be both at the same time or a silent one of respect and sadness or maybe it could be one that rocks and brings down the house.

Thank you for mentioning the ultimate sacrifice of Easter. As you know parents sacrifice soooo much for their children, and I am thankful that our Heavenly Father has given so much to us.

I have heard many, many great things about “Grandma Ruby,” and even though I knew for only a short time, I feel blessed to know her that long. I agree with you about living like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes, often, we forget to enjoy life as we live life. Thanks for that reminder.

As for living in a ‘kids world’ right now, Peggy and I have always enjoyed any visit we ever had with you or your family. I too sometimes am not ready for polite company either.

So keep up with your Blog and I look forward to reading your comments.

Blessings upon you;
Pastor Brian

April Mullen said...

Wow. Well done. I look forward to reading more.